Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Summer Friends

So, now that I have this blog I know I will be super into it. I mean, I literally just posted. I wonder how long this will last? I have been thinking a lot lately about summer friends. They are way different from the friends that you hang out with at school. Maybe they are some of the same people, but ultimately, summer friends are different. Let me explain, during the school year you are put with a group of people. Because of your common classes or lunch table, you become friends. This however, is a forced relationship. You were put together. However, I have a theory that summer relationships are more real. Nothing is forced there. It is you who is in control. If you want to see them, no problem, but if you don't, you don't have to worry about sitting next to them tomorrow 4th period. Now there are exceptions and deviations to this theory. But the main concept is so true. Think about it. Do you hang out with the same people during the summer as the school year?

First Post- my solution

It's funny because I don't write. Maybe I will. Maybe this will make me better? Let's hope. To improve my own writing ability is not why I decided to blog though. I was wanting to read something from the perspective of a girl like me. You see this all goes back to my constant want to be an avid reader. I really truly hate reading, I think. Really I just think that people who read are more interesting and succesful. Due to life and other activities, it is hard for me to read during the school year. But it is summer so I go all out. I have already completed 5 books. Which, for me, is a lot. But anyway, I wanted to read something that was from the perspective of a girl like me, that I can relate to. I mean, I am not frickin' Bella Swan or Katniss, I don't fight to the death. I don't sparkle in the sun. Now, I know this is no book. So girls like me who want to read a book about girls like us, well blogs are kinda close. I like to think of myself as a problem solver. This is a pretty good solution.